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Righteous Rebel Music Shop
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Thursday, February 27, 2025     


Music CDs
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Brianna Haynes
RR Music

How to buy mp3 downloads:

1. Browse the store and find the songs you want to buy. Click the “add to cart” button to add the product to your shopping cart. You can then continue shopping for other products or proceed to checkout.

2. You can see what’s in your shopping cart at any time by clicking the “View Cart” button in the minicart sidebox on the top right of the page. Once you’re ready to complete the purchase, click  “Checkout” in the minicart sidebox or on the “shopping cart contents” page.

3. The checkout process is completed in 3 simple steps:

a) STEP 1 for new users is to create your account in our store by filling in the required information on the “Customer Information” page. It only takes a few seconds and saves you time  the next time you shop with us. You can also create your account at any time by clicking “Register”. For returning customers, simply login with your username (email) and password.

b) STEP 2 is where you review your order details and select a payment method. If you have a coupon code, you may enter it below and click "APPLY". Then click "CONTINUE" and you will be directed to the final step.

c) STEP 3 is where you enter your payment details and review your information before completing the order by clicking on “PLACE ORDER”. The information you enter is highly secured by our High Grade AES 256 bit SSL encrypted connection which is double the security of most major e-commerce, banking and government websites.

4. After your order is processed within a few seconds, you will receive a confirmation notification and email containing the secure link to your product download which you can now download immediately. You can also download the song by clicking the “DOWNLOAD” button that appears on the order page. Please use a desktop or laptop computer to download your purchased products. Downloads cannot be made from ipads, iphones or other mobile devices.

If you would like to download it later, you can login to your account, click on “Orders” (top right of the page) and select the last order you placed which will display the “DOWNLOAD” button for the product.

5. The song is now downloaded to your computer and you may now transfer it to your personal mp3 audio player and enjoy the music! The song will download to the "download to" location set in your web browser preferences.

Our mp3’s are designed to be compatible with ALL mp3 players and software including ipod, itunes, Zune, Rio, SanDisk, many more.

Each mp3 product you buy is an official and authorized version of the artist’s recording.

If you need help with your purchase or have any other questions, please contact us at any time by email (shop@rrebel.com) or by filling in the “Contact Us” form by clicking the link on the top right of the page.



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